Jumat, 09 Juli 2010


I couldn't conceal my sorrow for my failure on the biggest exploration company in Indonesia's job test. Well, I ought to be not. because for the first time my intention just for contentment and job test's try out. How poor I am, arent u..I believe in the word that say What you focused, thought and felt, it would be manifest. That was why I was failed. (Possible)

Now, I can comprehend that I cant pretend anymore, i have been 1 month since my graduation day. I must be focused, increase my ability in english, psychotest and interview, and practice as much as it should, pray to Allah to extend the blessing prosperity, give the best job not only for my self but for the people surrounding me.

Wish I will be luck in the next time. Keep saying that I am Winning...1000x..HeHe..Cheers Up!!!

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